Fade Into You.

Shed its embrace, enveloped in shade

Bel étage , slow moving snake

Elegy of a sun rise, moon fade

When we choose to sit in the ideas & emotions that cause us discomfort or uncertainty, we have the capability to understand them more clearly through the mental magnification; ultimately widening our perspectives and pathway to wisdom. I am currently researching how to celebrate this concept through environmental design and the power it holds to take this mental landscape even further into a deeper plane of thought, emotion, and potential action.

Pierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi.

This gallery environment designed by India Mahdavi pulls you into a sea of interesting shapes, colors and patterns that uses repetitive colorscapes & themes derivative of the artwork to elevate and embrace the of 20th century French painter Pierre Bonnard’s paintings.

Pierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi.

Pierre Bonnard: Designed by India Mahdavi.

The environments we surround ourselves in can play a gigantic role in realizing what we are so curious or fascinated with, both positively & negatively. They themselves are a natural mechanism for magnification and amplification of an inner thought process and desired feeling; a state of mind physically realized through aesthetics, art, design & conversation. 

Scenery environment, design, architecture, artwork - all of these containers hold the power to exponentially alter our perceptions about what is possible through our behaviors & actions. If we allow ourselves to merge our own ideas & coordinating emotional palette onto a tangible canvas beginning with our everyday home digs, work space or creative studio, I think this is a surefire way to get our desired actions in order 😊

No telling what doors these considered actions might lead to though haha. I, for one, am finding more and more mental escape and creative empowerment through the wares I’m consistently surrounded by at the shop. Sticker and wearable designs, OH MY! I’ve also found comfort in exploring the types of activities I consider creatively and emotionally useful flowing out of my home work space - what’s up messy paint-stained sofa & rug , YOU’VE NEVER LOOKED BETTER 😁

In these places we can more easily allow and immerse ourselves in our own habitual and obsessive thought patterns. I love how multi-disciplinary artist Wei Tan uses a repeated reference to chairs in her work. Tan states I discovered not long ago that the word ‘obsession’ comes from Latin ‘obsidere’, meaning ‘to sit in front of’

I thought it would be faster to do my research out of body (2022) © Wei Tan

The house is on fire but first let’s daydream (2022) © Wei Tan

Orange Chair (2018) © Wei Tan

“Beyond its pastel lime green interior, the jagged metal-clad form of Rambla Climate-House coils itself around an elliptical open space—a space that is, quite literally, the very heart of this home. Translating to ‘a territorial system of riverines’, the project team explain how ramblas “constitute a fabric of veins carved out by seasonal rainfall in a dry, stepped landscape”. It is here that “humidity accumulates and biodiversity flourishes”. Almost hugging this outdoor area, the home shapes itself around the pocket of artificial rambla, creating “corridors of freshness, carbon fixation and ecological entanglement that all play a crucial role in the climatic and earthy stability of Molina de Segura’s ecosystems”.

Source: https://www.yellowtrace.com.au/andres-jaque-office-for-political-innovation-rambla-climate-house/

Kinda gets you into the FIRE, FIRE , SCRAMBLE STRUGGLE FEEEEEL , FULL FREEDOM mindset.

Burn it all down and make something that feels more like you right now. It’s an inherently painful process - but hey, I’m still hanging out & what’s next ?